Why do I need a prosthodontist?

Great question. If you need dental implants, crowns, bridges, cosmetics, or dentures the best decision you can make is to visit our Hiawatha, IA office. Prosthodontists are one of the nine dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association, and they are the experts in the restoration and replacement of teeth and surrounding tissues.

What does a prosthodontist actually do?

A prosthodontist typically provides care for patients who are missing teeth or have substantial damage to their existing teeth, as well as with congenital defects and other problems arising from trauma and neglect. They can aid in the rehabilitation of a complete dentition or merely in the replacement of one or two teeth. While your general practitioner is capable of handling minor crown and bridge procedures, prosthodontists have been specially trained to handle all types of cases especially the more challenging ones.

If you have any questions about prosthodontics, want to schedule an appointment, or find out how we can help you attain the beautiful smile you've always wanted, we invite you to give us a call at Blair Ridge Dental. We look forward to seeing you!

Words from Our Patients

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“They are so understanding and patient. They give you multiple options to make your care more individualized and work for you. I have never been happier with a dentist. 100% would recommend them to everyone.”- Amber L.

“Thank you for excellent patient care. I am grateful for such wonderful staff here at Blair Ridge Dental. You all should be commended for your dedication, excellence, and commitment.”– Kristina

“I’m so happy with the smile you have given me. When I look at my pictures I feel such an overwhelming feeling of joy. You’ve given me the smile that I’ve always wanted.”– Feryl
